Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
World AIDS Day 2009
Oddly enough, most of these things I do on a normal given day, but today I was doing it for a reason.
visit www.joinred.com and help make a difference!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
A Week of "New"
Monday, I finally went in and got my "reward" tattoo! I reached my 20lb weight loss goal this summer and just never got around to making an appointment and finding a new artist (my other tattoos were done by the same guy in California).
(forgive the picture, it was taken right after i took the wrapping off.)
The words are in Gaelic and they translate as "beautiful day." It's one of my favorite U2 songs and it's also a song that has helped me to keep going even when times are hard. Every day is a beautiful day in someway, you just have to look for it.
The other "New" in the week was New Moon! I saw it at noon on Friday. AMAZING movie! I am actually hoping to see it again in the next few weeks. The movie seemed to go by so fast! i wished they would have tacked on at least another hour of content - not at the end but just adding more details to the storyline that were in the book.
So now I am onto listening to Eclipse then onto Breaking Dawn before I head back to the people created by Nora Roberts. It really does amaze me how much I really like the Twilight series. It's the only book or books in my entire life that I have read/listened to more than twice! I am still enjoying it on my 4th time through :)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
(RED) Zone Here We Come!!!!
If you aren't familiar with the location of the (RED) Zone, the arrow I put on the map of Soldier Field shows where we will be. We will be on Adam's side :) That's the bass player.

To give you an idea of how close we will be,, here is a video from a U2 fanatic I met on the forums on @U2.com. Just click this link to view the amazing video.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Monday, November 02, 2009
U2 Presale - Chicago!
Sweetie and I talked about tickets and what not - we decided to try for (RED) Zone tickets.
What is the (RED) Zone? Here is a description from Ticketmaster:
The very limited capacity (RED) Zones, which are high profile general admission standing areas located on the field directly adjacent to the stage runways, is the place to be at the Artist Page concert event of the year - U2 3602 World Tour.
(RED) Zone Package Auction winners will enjoy:
- The only reserved General Admission VIP standing area nearest the stage
- Entering the Stadium through an assigned VIP entrance/gate
- Avoiding lines and still be beside the stage; regardless of your arrival time
- Being greeted in by (RED) Zone Hosts
- And more...!
We start bidding tomorrow afternoon - I am hoping that we snag tickets. I have seen pictures from people who have had these tickets and I am amazed at how close they were. If we do snag these precious tickets I will not only feel amazing because I will probably see sweat coming off the guys as they pass by, but also because part of what we paid will help buy AIDS drugs in Africa.
I'm crossing my fingers and toes and hoping that my Irish luck helps me win!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Happy Birthday To Me!
My hubby got me these:

The front says "Twilight" then below "Vampires are Forever" Then on the back it has Stephanie's website along with the store's website.

The other awesome thing is that I got cash and gift cards to resupply my wardrobe since I lost about 20lbs since last fall! I am in serious need of new clothes!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
My Recent Obsession: Audiobooks.
I am a big multi-tasker so i listen while I do house hold chores, fold laundry, drive int he car by myself... It makes the day go by quickly and I don't have to sit down to read a book but listen to it! I wish that i would have discovered this before I read Twilight Sagas because there was a full week where my housework suffered lol!
There is so much to be said about a library. Who woulda thought I would become a library rat :P
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Bono and The Edge on the Cover of Rolling Stone
Friday, September 25, 2009
Twilight Scene It?
I'm stoked because it means I will be able to kick my hubby's ass in a game - finally! lol!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Oh Happy Day!!!
This morning I was letting the dog out and checked a list of stuff I had to do today on my iPhone. When I clicked over I saw 3G for just one second then it switched over to our wireless network. I told my hubby about it and asked him if it was real! He turned off his WiFi and sure enough it's for real!!! I actually did a little jig lol I'm such a dork ;)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Edward and SNL song
Twilight cuts done to the song Jizz in my Pants - makes me laugh! HA!
Friday, September 18, 2009
U2 Concert - A Look Back
The last two tours I saw U2 perform in an enclosed place. I honestly believe that is why the last two tours seem like they were more intimate. I do have to say that the concert seemed to go by FAST! I remember when U2 did their first encore I looked at my iPhone for the time! I really thought they hadn't been on stage for long and it had been 2 hours already!
I feel very honored to be apart of a historic event in any U2 fan's life. :)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
It was a Beautiful Night!
I do have to say that the concert had a completely different feel than I had ever experienced than anything they have done in the past. The last two tours seemed intimate. This tour it felt like there was a disconnect. It was not at all the intention that the band had - they wanted the audience to feel like they were a 5th member of the band. Don't get me wrong, the concert was amazing! It was just different.
They also played a few songs from the past that i have never heard them perform live before: The Unforgettable Fire was among them as well was Ultra Violet. And there were some songs that they did not play that I had heard played live every other time I had seen them: Bullet the Blue Sky and Until the End of the World.
The night was amazing though. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I consider myself extremely lucky to get tickets and seriously awesome seats.
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Today I get to see four of my favorite Irish men on stage!!! I am beyond excited!!! This is the first time I have been able to attend a show that was the first one on the tour in North America. AND it's the first time that I got tickets on a lower level so Bono and the boys don't look like ants on stage (not that it really matters a whole lot since they have the big screens which are AWESOME!).
So I leave for the Windy City with my Sweetie and a fist full of cash to blow on every U2 item my little heart will desire :)
Friday, September 11, 2009
At this time U2 was also touring and they had worked the tribute into the show. Just as you see it. All the names of those who lost their lives scrolled by as they same Where the Streets Have No Name.
Today, this is my tribute to those who perished and to honor those who are fighting to preserve our freedom.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
U2 Guide in Dublin
View @U2's Guide to U2's Dublin in a larger map
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Get On Your Boots

This song was the first single released from No Line on the Horizon. Oddly enough the song really sounds nothing like the rest of the album. The song has grown on me though, although it does not rank among my top faves.
Monday, September 07, 2009
The Sweetest Thing
My love, she throws me like a rubber ball
(Oh, the sweetest thing.)
But she won't catch me or break my fall.
(Oh, the sweetest thing.)
Baby's got blue skies up ahead
But in this, I'm a raincloud
You know she wants a dry kind of love.
(Oh, the sweetest thing.)
I'm losin' you, I'm losin' you
Ain't love the sweetest thing?
I wanted to run, but she made me crawl
(Oh, the sweetest thing.)
Eternal fire, she turned me to straw.
(Oh, the sweetest thing.)
I know I got black eyes
But they burn so brightly for her
I guess it's a blind kind of love.
(Oh, the sweetest thing.)
I'm losin' you, I'm losin' you
Ain't love the sweetest thing?
Ain't love the sweetest thing?
Blue-eyed boy meets a brown-eyed girl.
(Oh, the sweetest thing.)
You can sew it up, but you still see the tear.
(Oh, the sweetest thing.)
Baby's got blue skies up ahead
But in this, I'm a rain-cloud,
Ours is a stormy kind of love.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
U2 on SNL!
Saturday, September 05, 2009
This version features Bob Hewson, Bono's father. And it seems like Bono singing the song to his father - but that is just my assumption.

This version features Bono sitting at a table at a bar singing the song. It almost seems like you're sitting at the table with him and he's talking to you. It's one of my favorite videos of all time.
This version features stills and video footage of buffaloes and flowers including the word One in different languages.

Mary J. Blige covered the song a few years ago. This version is pretty cool. I love MJB and she's performing with some of my favorite guys.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Johnny Cash - The Wanderer
Thursday, September 03, 2009
U2 Three

This was U2's very first album release. It was released in 1979 and only contained three songs: Out of Control, Stories for Boys, and Boy/Girl.
Limited copies were made, but there were several presses were made of the LP. Very few copies still exist.
About four Christmases ago, my husband asked me what was one of U2's singles that I wanted the most. My response was, "U2 Three but there is no way that you could ever find a copy of it." Apparently that set him on a hunt and lo and behold I unwrapped my very own copy of U2 Three! Although my copy is one of the later presses, I am still very proud to own it and display it in an album frame next to my desk.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Down 19 lbs!!!
And I know exactly what I want to;)
Sometimes You Can't Make it On Your Own
Bono wrote this song as a tribute to his father. From what I have read about Bono's life from his biography, his dad was pretty much a hard ass. Bono's mother died when he was only 14 which left his father to care for him and his brother. One gift his father did give him was his voice. Bob was an amateur opera singer. And if you ever hear Bono singing Miss Sarajevo and performing Pavarotti's part, you will see clearly he inherited his voice.
I really like the video for this song. Bono seems transparent. And another cool fact, some of the video was recorded in the house where Bono grew up.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
U2 Way
Ok, ok...the wig's not so bad

I just found this photo this morning. It's from the Eclipse photo shoot. The wig's not so bad. Although, when it was parted to the side it looked pretty bad :P
Monday, August 31, 2009
Twilight Saga in 9 days
It's amazing how many things I didn't pick up on the first time through and how many things I forgot that happened or how they happened. Part of me felt like I was reading it for the first time.
I am so glad I bought the series because I am very tempted to start listening again! Yes, I know I have a problem lol
U2 does David Letterman's Top 10 List
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Kristin Stewart - Your Hair Dear Girl!
I remember hearing this song for the first time on the David Letterman show. U2 performed during the entire week that No Line on the Horizon was released. The first time I heard it I didn't really like it - it's very different from anything else that U2 has ever done. But the song grew on me and it's one of my favorites from NLOTH.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Beautiful Day

This is one of my most favorite songs! It was the song that played at my wedding reception when my hubby and I were introduced. It's a song that can get me in a good mood no matter what has happened.
Bono said that he wrote the song thinking of a man who lost everything and still somehow finds something to be happy about. Maybe that's why it always seems to cheer my up :)
Wanna her the song? Click here for the video.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Next Stop Chicago!!!
If you wanna see a video clip from the show click here. (I didn't watch it though;)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Kite - Letting Go
Bono wrote the song Kite about his kids and letting them go - them not needing him.
Here are the words to the song:
Something is about to give
I can feel it coming
I think I know what it is
I'm not afraid to die
I'm not afraid to live
And when I'm flat on my back
I hope to feel like I did
Cause hardness, it sets in
You need some protection
The thinner the skin
I want you to know
That you don't need me anymore
I want you to know
You don't need anyone, anything at all
Who's to say where the wind will take you
Who's to know what it is will break you
I don't know which way the wind will blow
Who's to know when the time has come around
Don't wanna see you cry
I know that this is not goodbye
In summer I can taste the salt in the sea
There's a kite blowing out of control on a breeze
I wonder what's gonna happen to you
You wonder what has happened to me
I'm a man, I'm not a child
A man who sees
The shadow behind your eyes
Who's to say where the wind will take you
Who's to know what it is will break you
I don't know where the wind will blow
Who's to know when the time has come around
I don't wanna see you cry
I know that this is not goodbye
Did I waste it?
Not so much I couldn't taste it
Life should be fragrant
Roof top to the basement
The last of the rock stars
When hip hop drove the big cars
In the time when new media
Was the big idea
That was the big idea
Monday, August 24, 2009
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight
One of the videos for this song is animated and tells a story throughout the whole video. It's interesting and different. If you wanna take a look click here. You will see a screen shot from the video I am talking about ;)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I Will Follow
Check out U2 performing the song. Taken from Live at Red Rocks:
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Passengers (aka U2 and Brian Eno)

In 1995 The Passengers released an album. The band was made up of all four members of U2 and Brian Eno (who often produces with the band). The album was filled with experimental songs, which is why the band released it under a different name.
The album says it's a soundtrack, but it's really not. The "movies" the songs are made up from are fictitious and names used relating to those films are actually plays on different band members names.
One song that might be reconized that was on this album was Miss Sarajevo. Luciano Pavarotti sang part of the song in Italian. It was released on the Best of 1990-2000.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Disappearing Act
"And Edge explained that Disappearing Act was originally called White City and was started with Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois during the session for The Unforgettable Fire in 1983. 'We discovered it six months ago, did some work on it in France and it's now finished.'
Expect it as part of the bonus material for the remastered edition of 1984's The Unforgettable Fire, later this year."
Looks like I will have to buy the remastered version of The Unforgettable Fire. Good album btw! I haven't listened to it in a while and think I just might turn it on as soon as I wrap up this post. The Unforgettable Fire brought hits like "Pride (In the Name of Love)" and "Bad."
OOOOOOooooooOOOOOO 5 Twilight Films?!?!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The image of this boy (who is actually the brother of one of Bono's close friends) was on the cover originally. It was thought that people would think that U2 were pedophiles so the alternate cover was used. This is the cover that U2 uses for the album on their website.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
U2 by Numbers
September 25th, 1976 - exactly one month before I was born!
due to his alcoholism (he swore off alcohol from that night forward).
His guitar tech played in his place.
1,000,000 +
lives touched through charities supported by U2
Monday, August 17, 2009
Until the End of the World
This video is from U2's performance at Slaine Castle in Ireland.
New Moon - Meet Jacob Black Trailer
O.....M......G...... This trailer is amazing! There are more new images from the movie and the first sighting of the Volturi! This is going to be so freaking amazing...I can't wait!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
My Life According to U2
Using only song names from ONE artist, cleverly answer these questions. You can't use the band I used. Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think! Repost as "my life according to (band name)."
1. Are you a male or female? “Party Girl”
2. Describe yourself: “Even Better Than the Real Thing”
3. How do you feel: “Magnificent”
4. Your family: “Sweetest Thing”
5. If you could go anywhere, where would you go: “City of Blinding Lights”
6. Your favorite form of transportation: “Kite”
7. Your best friend: “Yahweh”
8. Your favorite color is: “Lemon”
9. What's the weather like: “Beautiful Day”
10. Favorite day: “Somedays are Better Than Others”
11. If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: “Walk On”
12. What is life to you? “No Line On The Horizon”
13. Your current relationship: “All I Want is You”
14. Looking for: “Where the Streets Have No Name”
15. Your fear: “Lady with the Spinning Head” (it’s a b-side and a good one I might add!)
16. What is the best advice you have to give: “Love and Peace or Else”
17. If you could change your name, you would change it to: “Grace”
18. Thought for the day: “Breathe”
19. How I would like to: “Trying to Throw Your Arms Around the World”
20. Your pet: “One”
21. My motto: “Sometimes You Can’t Make it On Your Own”
Bono's mother died at her own father's funeral of an aneurysm. Bono was only 14.
Lemon was released on the Zooropa album, that was recorded part way through the Zoo TV tour. Zoo TV not only featured The Fly persona but also MacPhisto. MacPhisto performed the song on stage as well as in the video.

past his prime returning regularly from sessions on The Strip
in Vegas and regaling anyone who would listen to him at
cocktail hour with stories from the good old, bad old days."
~ Bono's description of MacPhisto
Lemon is not only a song that U2 sings, but they featured it in their Popmart tour. The lemon was mirrored and during the second part of the concert the band came out of the lemon. It was quite a sight to see, with lights reflecting off of the mirrors. lol

Friday, August 14, 2009
Dear Editor, We Don't Care...

Today I opened up my People magazine and paged through it while I had a few minutes. I turn to the "Mailbag" section (letters to the editor) and see a photo of one of the latest covers featuring Rob Pattinson. The headline read, "Twilight's Robert Pattinson: His Messy Love Life."
Here is the letter that got my attention:
"Robert Pattinson should have a messy love life; that's what being his age is all about..... So go ahead, Robert, play the field!" Lydia Louli - Ottawa, Canada
That is EXACTLY what I said to my hubby after reading the article myself. Rob is young, good looking and I am sure has his pick of women to say the least. Let him be.
BTW, thanks People for actually posting those letters.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Stay (Faraway, So Close)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Walk On
And love is not the easy thing
The only baggage you can bring...
And love is not the easy thing....
The only baggage you can bring
Is all that you can't leave behind
And if the darkness is to keep us apart
And if the daylight feels like it's a long way off
And if your glass heart should crack
And for a second you turn back
Oh no, be strong
Walk on, walk on
What you got they can't steal it
No they can't even feel it
Walk on, walk on...
Stay safe tonight
You're packing a suitcase for a place none of us has been
A place that has to be believed to be seen
You could have flown away
A singing bird in an open cage
Who will only fly, only fly for freedom
Walk on, walk on
What you've got they can't deny it
Can't sell it, can't buy it
Walk on, walk on
Stay safe tonight
And I know it aches
And your heart it breaks
And you can only take so much
Walk on, walk on
Home, hard to know what it is if you've never had one
Home, I can't say where it is but I know I'm going home
That's where the hurt is
I know it aches
How your heart it breaks
And you can only take so much
Walk on, walk on
Leave it behind
You've got to leave it behind
All that you fashion
All that you make
All that you build
All that you break
All that you measure
All that you steal
All this you can leave behind
All that you reason
All that you sense
All that you speak
All you dress up
All that you scheme.
(Click the title of this post to view the video)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
New Moon Trailer - 14 Seconds...
Monday, August 10, 2009
Electrical Storm
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Sunday Bloody Sunday

This song is one of U2's most recognized songs; it's actually one of my favorites but not for reasons that people might think.
The song brings to life the mindless killing that has gone on and still happens in Ireland today. This song in particular is about civil rights activists being gunned down by British troops in Northern Ireland.
Bono made this statement in the middle of performing Sunday Blood Sunday. It was captured on film on Rattle and Hum:
"And let me tell you somethin'. I've had enough of Irish Americans who haven't been back to their country in twenty or thirty years come up to me and talk about the resistance, the revolution back home…and the glory of the revolution…and the glory of dying for the revolution. F*ck the revolution! They don't talk about the glory of killing for the revolution. What's the glory in taking a man from his bed and gunning him down in front of his wife and his children? Where's the glory in that? Where's the glory in bombing a Remembrance Day parade of old age pensioners, their medals taken out and polished up for the day. Where's the glory in that? To leave them dying or crippled for life or dead under the rubble of the revolution, that the majority of the people in my country don't want. No more!"
That was "no more" of the song being sung at a concert for over 10 years.
The first U2 concerts I was able to attend were the Popmart tour. I saw them before they went to Europe and afterwords. I remember being at the concert with one of my very good U2 freak friends and hearing the guitar riff from Sunday Bloody Sunday start....I gasped and turned to him! He told me that they had started performing at their concert in Sarjevo (a war torn city). That was the first time I cried at a concert... I knew I was experiencing something that was moving on so many levels...
The Edge did a solo performance during the last leg of the Popmart tour, which definately made the song more somber (as it probably should be). But the last two tours (Elevation and Vertigo) Bono headed the band in performing the song.
If you click the title of this post, it should take you to a video of the best performance of all time by of Sunday Bloody Sunday. U2, Live at Red Rocks.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Red Hill Mining Town
The beginning shows footage of old coal miners, but after the footage you are in for a treat... The first time I saw this video I don't think my eyes moved from the TV... Bono minus sunglasses and singing directly to the camera... nuff said....
Friday, August 07, 2009
Where the Stars Go Blue
Bono teamed up with them and performed the song Where the Stars Go Blue.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Pride and City
A song that is near the top of my list of favorite U2 songs (don't ask for the list or you will get WAY too many! HA!) This song is clearly about Martin Luther King (and possibly Jesus).
"Early morning, April four
Shot rings out in the Memphis sky.
Free at last, they took your life
They could not take your pride."
When I thin of this song I think of President Obama's inauguration concert. U2 performed this song on the very spot that MLK gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. I cannot imagine how the band felt playing on that very spot and watching MLK's Dream come true with our new president.
In light of President Obama's recent birthday (on the 4th), I found a video of this performance.
And since I missed posting yesterday, this video is a two in one. U2 also performed the song "City of Blinding Lights" as it was a song that Obama used during his campaign.
Let me tell ya, if you see them live in concert this song tops the charts on the frakking amazing list! I won't go into detail here in case you want to experience it live yourself (if you were lucky enough to get tickets!). But if you are curious as to what I am talking about you can click here and it will redirect you to a video... Of course, it doesn't even compare to what it's like seeing it live.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
What can I give back to God, for the blessing he poured out of me?
"Where the Streets Have No Name"
This is one song that I greatly anticipate seeing live. Ever hear someone say that being at a U2 concert is a religious experience? Well, this video gives a taste of why. The video does little justice to feeling the electricity that fills the stadium.
Monday, August 03, 2009
If you want to kiss the sky, better learn how to kneel

First song I heard when I got in the car this morning. First song my son ever knew the words to at age 2 1/2. So it's today's insight.
Meaning? Here is it straight from the horse's mouth:
"I've always believed that the spirit is a feminine thing," (Bono) says. "Mysterious Ways" is not about a particular woman. It is about women in general, and the way they entrance, and often dominate men. Says Bono, "At times I do tend to idealize women. It's easy to fall into the trap of separating them into angels and devils for the sake of the drama. But there's no way that there's ever anything anti-women involved. Our songs are not politically correct. They are written from a man's point of view. He's wrestling with different things, there's a flash of anger and hurt here and there. But I don't think women come out badly." ~ Into The Heart by Niall Stokes
Interesting, eh?
Sunday, August 02, 2009
The Fly

The Fly. Bono portrays an arrogant rock star (ironic eh? although I do not believe he's arrogant personally). This persona takes the celebrity ego to the edge of reality.
Ever wonder where Bono's sunglasses came from? The Fly. Before this, Bono may have worn sunglasses here or there, but never as a permanent accessory.
During the Zoo TV tour, where The Fly emerged, Bono would walk out in public in his Fly attire - leather with the glasses.
Zoo TV was after the Rattle and Hum tour for the Joshua Tree album. JT rocketed U2 to emmense fame with songs like "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For," "Where the Streets Have No Name," and "With or Without You."
Bono has said before that he wears his sunglasses for a few reasons. One because his eyes are sensative to light and two to keep some privacy. I remember reading in a book that he felt uncomfortable with perfect strangers looking straight into his eyes. Being that he leads a very public life, both on and off stage with his activism, I can imagine that he would want to keep something to himself.
Watching The Fly perform you can see this character come to life. I posted a video below of Bono taking on this persona.... enjoy
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Bono's Ego
Bono admits he is 'annoying'

He said: "I can be annoying. I have a kind of annoying gene.
"As Delmore Schwartz said, 'Ego is always at the wheel.' It's just with rock stars, it's more obvious. The need to be loved and admired doesn't come from a particularly pretty place.
"But people tend to do a lot of great things with it. Ego, yes, but the ego is in everything human beings are capable of. Without ego, things would be so dull."
Bono - who is joined in U2 by guitarist The Edge bassist Adam Clayton and drummer Larry Mullen, Jr - explained to The Guardian newspaper: "The villain is usually me. The hypocrisy of the human heart is the number one target. Rarely do we point the finger at anyone other than ourselves.
"U2 choose more interesting targets than other bands. Your own hypocrisies, your addictions we never pick the obvious. I think we make our enemies very interesting."
Friday, July 31, 2009
Only Love Can Leave Such a Mark....
Over the last few days I have been pulling out some of U2's older work. K had never heard Zooropa. As I drove and the music played I heard nothing but the sound of the music, a rare occasion in my car with a chatty 5 year old. I asked him if he knew who was playing the music, he said he didn't know so I told him it was U2. He didn't believe me LOL!
I said, "U2 made this album...." I paused realizing how long it had been since Zooropa released, "about 15 years ago...wow."
Anyway, I am starting to jabber on like my favorite Irish man likes to....lol
All this to say that in preparation of seeing U2 for the first time in three years I'm going to post daily (hopefully) about different songs. I hope it primes me for what I will experience. And I hope it might help those of you who do not understand my obsession to join me ;)
The song I chose to highlight today is Magnificent. One of my favorite songs off of U2's new album. In fact, it has sparked a new idea for my next tattoo....but I digress once again.
Today I was cruising around U2.com and watched the video for Magnificent for the first time. I had seen images of the shoot, but never watched the whole thing.
I wanted to link directly to the video but there it's not possible. If you want to see it click here then go to the third column and follow it down to the 6th row.
You won't be able to see the full thing, unless you are a member of U2.com, but you will get a good taste of what the video is like.
It amazes me how Bono still seems to woo the microphone as he sings into it. You can witness it for yourself in this video, with or without the membership.
I was right....
Thankfully it moved passed that.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Stone of Tears - Definitely written by a man
I have my audio version of the next book in the Sword of Truth series downloaded and ready to go. I will be keeping my earbuds in or close by so not to taint innocent, 5 year old ears.
I have a feeling i will be doing a lot of eye rolling again. But I gotta know what happens next!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Conehead Canine Strikes Back
I am now thanking myself for saving that blasted e-collar that he had when his manhood was snipped away.
Right now I hear the poor thing trying to chew a bone with that blasted collar on. i would take it off but the moment I do he's right at his tail eating his fur.
I can't wait for Monday to get here so we can figure out wth is going on with him. As of right now I am not real happy having a dog ram into me every few minutes with his conehead.
Friday, July 24, 2009
An Ice cube is a cure all, who knew?
We picked him up on Monday. He seemed super tired. He's 11 months old and is very active so it was odd to us. We just thought he was tired from the weekend like we were. The next day he slept, wouldn't eat or drink really anything, didn't play with K, didn't devour the rawhide I gave him when we got home. He was actually a really good dog! But it was not him.
Wednesday i realized by the middle of the day that he hadn't taken a drink that I knew of. He LOVES ice cubes. I grabbed a few from the freezer thinking ti would at least get some water in him.
Immediately after he ate two cubes he found his rawhide and started gnawing on it. Chased after K and became really annoying....yeah, he was back to himself.
Guess in this house an ice cube a day can keep the doctor away.
New Moon Sneek Peak from Comic Con
For those who have read, this is FREAKING awesome! I have already seen photos of the first scene. The second is AWESOME! They did an awesome job taking interpretation of the book.
November, come quick!
Rick Astley, New Lead Singer for Nirvana
This video is freaking hilarious! It's Nirvana's song "Smells like Teen Spirit" while Rick Astley sings, "Never Gonna Give You Up." Make ya think that Kurt might have teamed up with Rick at some point ;)