Saturday, July 25, 2009

Conehead Canine Strikes Back

Bleh. So our doggy has had some sort of itching issue since he got back from the kennel on Monday. This morning I woke up to huge clumps out of his fur (I will spare the gory details). I called the vet and they said they couldn't see him but to give him Benedryl and told me how much blah, blah, blah.

I am now thanking myself for saving that blasted e-collar that he had when his manhood was snipped away.

Right now I hear the poor thing trying to chew a bone with that blasted collar on. i would take it off but the moment I do he's right at his tail eating his fur.

I can't wait for Monday to get here so we can figure out wth is going on with him. As of right now I am not real happy having a dog ram into me every few minutes with his conehead.

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