Monday, November 02, 2009

U2 Presale - Chicago!

Presale starts tomorrow for my presale code! I am STOKED to say the least!!!

Sweetie and I talked about tickets and what not - we decided to try for (RED) Zone tickets.

What is the (RED) Zone? Here is a description from Ticketmaster:

The very limited capacity (RED) Zones, which are high profile general admission standing areas located on the field directly adjacent to the stage runways, is the place to be at the Artist Page concert event of the year - U2 3602 World Tour.

(RED) Zone Package Auction winners will enjoy:

- The only reserved General Admission VIP standing area nearest the stage
- Entering the Stadium through an assigned VIP entrance/gate
- Avoiding lines and still be beside the stage; regardless of your arrival time
- Being greeted in by (RED) Zone Hosts
- And more...!

We start bidding tomorrow afternoon - I am hoping that we snag tickets. I have seen pictures from people who have had these tickets and I am amazed at how close they were. If we do snag these precious tickets I will not only feel amazing because I will probably see sweat coming off the guys as they pass by, but also because part of what we paid will help buy AIDS drugs in Africa.

I'm crossing my fingers and toes and hoping that my Irish luck helps me win!

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