Saturday, March 13, 2010

U2 and Twilight Desktop Backgrounds

Here's a few of my desktop creations. The images used are not my own but taken from various websites. The way they're put together, that's my doing ;)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Lesbian? Well, then no prom (wtf?)

The title of my post links back to a story a friend of mine recently shared on Facebook. In short, a girl was going to bring her girlfriend to prom and wear a tuxedo so the school board canceled prom! And kids are upset with the girl and not the school board!!! I'm not sure how sexual preference ties into prom. Who the heck cares who brings who to prom - what if a guy brings two girls? Will they cancel because they might have a ménage à trois right on the dance floor?!? It baffles me that the school board thinks that this is somehow a solution to the so called "problem." I have no idea what kind of "lesson" it teaches besides ignorance and hate.

It's utterly amazing that there are so many ignorant people out in the world - makes me wonder if they could function outside of their little bubble of reality.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Twi-world is waiting to be "Eclipse"d

Summit released a 90 second trailer for the next movie in the Twilight Sagas, Eclipse. As a huge Twifan, I'm really looking forward to seeing this film! I almost feel like it's a bit of a teaser for the upcoming DVD release of New Moon.

New Moon went by WAY too fast - I'm wondering if Eclipse will do that same. Eclipse was not my favorite from the quartet of books, but nonetheless it contains some very, very important information on all our fave characters.

As for the actors, there have been some changes (two I can think of are Victoria and Bella's mom). And of course there is the wig...not sure why Stewart thought it was an awesome idea to chop her hair and dye it black for a different movie when SHE is Bella. Oh well, even though you can tell she's got a wig on I hope it doesn't take my eyes away from enjoying the movie.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Corey Haim - Be at Peace...

March 10, 2010 I awoke to the news that Corey Haim died. He was only 38.

Corey Haim was one of my first heart throbs. His photos in Teen Beat and Tiger Beat littered my walls. Of the two Coreys, he was the one that I thought was the cutest and funniest.

See that smile?!? That slanted, cocky quirk of the lips on his baby face was on of the things that I found so charming about him.

I think I watched all of his non-B rated movies at least a dozen times each. In fact, I as an adult I bought DVD versions of some of my favorites. One of them being Dream a Little Dream.

Haim didn't play the main character, Feldman did but I still loved Haim's character Dinger. A goofy, lovable guy who broke his leg as a result of his mother backing over him so he had to walk with a cane.

And of course License to Drive was an amazing movie. I have no idea how many times I watched it.

In recent years Corey has admitted to being a drug addict and had gone through rehab several times. It's speculated that he died from an overdose - although other reports from family and friends don't seem to back that up. Regardless of how he died, I will always remember him as the cutie with the slanted smile that stole my teen-aged heart.

I hope you have found peace, Corey.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Happy "Irish" Month!

I'm counting down to two of my favorite events...

March 17th - St. Patrick's Day - it's almost like Christmas at our house. We are proud to be Irish and definitely celebrate it. I recently found a recipe for a Guinness shake (in a People magazine next to a recipe from U2's hotel ;)) That will be dessert :)

March 20th marks the release of New Moon to DVD! I've already pre-ordered my copy. I chose to get mine from Target since they are offering a movie cell with the Deluxe Bluray edition. Every time I think about New Moon I just want to watch it!

Needless to say, the middle of March will be a pretty exciting one...well, at least for me ;)