Sunday, February 25, 2007

Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO)

WOW!!! (And no, I don’t mean like World of Warcraft because this game doesn’t fan a flame to it!)

Jamie and I were able to get into the stress test this weekend. A select number of people were allowed in to push the servers and make sure everything is working ok. We played a little bit last night after Kian was in bed (and during the little bit of time that Jamie felt ok to be out of bed).

Jamie and I have played different MMORGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games) since we have been dating. I have to say that LOTRO has been the easiest to navigate, has a GREAT tutorial and is BEAUTIFUL!

Today is the last day of the stress test. After that we have to wait for almost a month before we can get in and play for real! I cannot wait!