Friday, June 19, 2009


Following your passion can be difficult, especially when you are unsure of what you're passionate about. I had that dilemma not too long ago. After watching an Oprah episode, a long time ago, she talked about finding your passion and going after it. I had to actually think about what my passion was. I thought that staying at home with K was my passion. Sure, it's one thing about my life that absolutely love (most days lol). After all my Sweetie clocks into a job 5 days a week that is his passion, why can't my "job" be that too?

Today I realized that writing is one of my passions. When I was younger I wrote fictional stories. In fact i remember one clearly that I wrote in 6th grade. I happened upon it years and years ago and when I read it I was surprised at how good the plot was and how well I developed the story at 12 years old! Being someone with a degree in journalism, I always thought I was meant to write "nothing but the facts" or maybe an editorial. Right before graduation, I realized that was not my passion at all, it was not something I wanted to pursue in the least (not to mention the pay is well...crappy). I could take crappy pay for a job I loved, but not for one I had no desire to put myself into.

After reading the Twilight Series, I somehow came up with an idea for a story. (no it does not involve vampires or supernatural creatures HA!) I started to write one afternoon and i couldn't stop! In fact, I haven't be able to stop since I started.

This summer has been a busy one for all of us. But I often find myself making notes on my iPhone notepad listing new ideas that pop into my head while doing housework, out shopping, or watching K's swim lessons. And when I do have spare time, I am usually writing, editing or re-reading.

So, if i seem aloof, I'm probably with the characters in my head ;)

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