Friday, June 05, 2009

Hello, my name is Sarah and I am a Twilight Addict.

Yes, I admit it. I have been sucked into the land of Twilight and cannot (well, and do not) want to get out. Please do not have an intervention for me - it will be hopeless.

The addiction began when my sweetie and I watched Twilight on BluRay (O....M....G....!). Two days later i was searching our public library for an audio version of the book so I could listen to it on a 6 hour trek to visit family. I got half way through and was thankful I brought my written copy of Twilight with me. I quickly devoured it and ended up stalking Walmart late at night to find the next book in the sagas.

This last week I started to feel like a vampire. Walking around with little sleep. I couldn't leave Edward and Bella not know what would happen next!

And my poor, poor sweetie. He is starting to wonder if I need to be committed for becoming so obsessed with this series. He is starting to understand as I tell him of other 30 something women have the same obsession - I am not alone (thank GOD!)

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