Big Brother 11!
The first show premiered last night. I have yet to peg someone that I think might win. I am interested in the tattooed woman, Lydia, she seems interesting to me. And of course the guy from Chicago is HAWT!
Not so sure how the teams will play out, as of right now i'm siding with the Nerds and Outcasts. Probably because I fit in those two categories.
The one person I am not real keen on is Ronnie the video gamer. Yeah, apparently he doesn't have a job? As my Sweetie is a video game designer, I am afraid it's going to make him look like a complete and utter nerd. In truth is a is a geek (I'm one too so it's ok for me to say that ;) He does actually work. He works hard and no he doesn't play games all day long. I guess we will have to see what happens as the season goes on.
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