Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Twi-world is waiting to be "Eclipse"d

Summit released a 90 second trailer for the next movie in the Twilight Sagas, Eclipse. As a huge Twifan, I'm really looking forward to seeing this film! I almost feel like it's a bit of a teaser for the upcoming DVD release of New Moon.

New Moon went by WAY too fast - I'm wondering if Eclipse will do that same. Eclipse was not my favorite from the quartet of books, but nonetheless it contains some very, very important information on all our fave characters.

As for the actors, there have been some changes (two I can think of are Victoria and Bella's mom). And of course there is the wig...not sure why Stewart thought it was an awesome idea to chop her hair and dye it black for a different movie when SHE is Bella. Oh well, even though you can tell she's got a wig on I hope it doesn't take my eyes away from enjoying the movie.

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