Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Houseidous, Get Behind Me!!

Yes, I said it….Houseidous. My beloved Dave Ramsey has coined that term as a disease people get when the move somewhere new. It’s a disease where you consider pulling out your credit card so you can get things you think would make your house look nice instead of saving up to buy it. I’ve had it before – although not too bad – but I fear it will rear its ugly head now that my husband and I have purchased our first home (ok, it’s in escrow right now, so God willing we will purchase it).

I already have a short list in my mind of things that need to be bought – some absolutely have to be purchased like gates for the stairs and shelving in the laundry/pantry area so Costco can fit in our house (or at least the portion of it I bring home monthly).

The credit cards will remain locked up in our safe – where they have been for years. I have had evil, evil thoughts of using them and confessed this sin to my husband already. Thankfully we don’t make any purchases without the other knowing – well, anything that is not put into one of our budget categories and thoughtfully spent on paper before the month even starts. This might sound anal to some, but it’s helped us pay off thousands of dollars in debt and saved us from really ever fighting about money (which, btw, is one of the top reasons people get divorced).

So, houseidous – get behind me!

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