Saturday, February 04, 2006

Rudeness episode on 20/20

Thanks to Tivo I was able to watch last night’s 20/20 today. The whole show was about rudeness and how people are becoming ruder as the years pass.

Well, they had a part where someone was running little tests on people to see what they would say to a rude comment she would make. She was in the south and asked a lady, “What do you think of that guy that used to work for you last year?” The lady replied, “I don’t know him very well.” The tester said, “I thought he was a jerk.” The southern lady replied, “That’s what I said.” I was FLOORED to say the least! So was the tester! So the tester went to North Carolina and asked, “What would you say if someone said ‘I don’t know him very well’ about someone?” He said, “That would mean he’s a good for nothing.”

WHAT?!?!??!?! Ok, please, can someone get me a dictionary or a guide on how to speak southern! lol Apparently the rest of us need to be taught because we are clueless!

I honestly don’t think I am a rude person. Although, when push comes to shove, I will be completely honest with people. I am not one for beating around the bush. I can tell it like it is – and honestly, I would rather have people do that for me too. It’s hard to play a game of, what do they really mean or what are they trying to say? Sometimes I will have my husband step in to “translate” because I want to make sure that I am really getting what is behind a certain statement.

To all my Southern friends and family members, please forgive me for being “rude.” I never meant anything by it, I am just ignorant to southern ways. (to be blunt)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok - I'm from the south and I have never thought that that statement would mean that he/she is good for nothing... that is really weird. I have never heard that! Hmmm... must be in some other part of the south - hahaha! Don't worry - I don't think you are rude at ALL =) We love you =)