Monday, October 03, 2005

Mother or ED? Thoughts of a SAHM

For some reason I thought that becoming a SAHM would free me up to do a lot of things WRONG! LOL! I couldn't have been more wrong! I do actually do some work from home but when I am supposed to be relaxing, that is what I am

Oh and then there are the endless loads of laundry (that unfortunately does not fold itself), the bathroom needs to be cleaned again even though I thought I just did it, dishes, sippy cups to prepare, dirty diapers to change....oh and did I eat breakfast today....I can't remember LOL My life actually got so much busier when my son came along. I love him to pieces but I never realized how much work a kid was until I had one!

Recently I have been thinking that Webster's Dictionary needs to have a photo of a mother next to the word "selfless" because that ultimately is what "mother" means.

Sometimes that means that mom comes last...she eats last, goes to bed last, goes potty last....sometimes that's frustrating but I would never put my needs over my son's....and I think any other true Mother out there would agree with me.

Then there are mothers who need to have their photo put next to the word "selfish." Those are the mothers that leave their kid asleep in their crib while they go out and party or go for a jog. These "mothers" think of their needs and desires above their child's safety, which is more detrimental than thinking of your child's needs before your own. Or those who purposefully get pregnant knowing full well that they are putting their life in danger...putting their child who is here now at risk of not having a mother just so she can birth another one from her body. There are also "mothers" who really don't care about what their child's desires or needs are...they only look at what theirs are and try to meet them at any cost...

I think that those "mothers" do not deserve the title of Mother...they need to be called something else. Mother, Mom, Mama, Mommy....those are all names meant for those who have earned the title. Maybe they just need to be called "Egg Donor" after all that is all the work they want to put into their babies. On my message boards they call "deadbeat dads" SD's (Sperm Donors) so I think those ladies are ED's...

Being a Mother is a choice you make, not to just carry the baby to term and give birth but it something you do for...well....the rest of the child's life. An ED has made the choice to give birth and that's about it...

It makes me so sad when I hear about children living with ED's....I wonder how anyone could treat a child in that they could endanger them or view them as just being in the way. Being a Mother is not easy by any means and yeah there have been days that I thought about putting my son up for auction on ebay (that is a joke btw!), but I would never, ever, ever endanger my son in any way, shape or form. How could anyone want to hurt or abandon someone who is so innocent, trusting and fully of unconditional love...that thought even wells my eyes with tears.

Congratulations to those who are Mothers. Stay strong ladies...the day is not yet over...and it all will begin again tomorrow but we wake up to the precious gift of our children's beautiful smiles, hugs and kisses....nothing could be more precious than our children.

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