Today I dropped my son off at preschool. I just happened to look at the car next to us and noticed a Hindu symbol hanging from the mirror. I immediately thought of the image I posted above. It is from U2's last concert tour. As you can see the word "Coexist" is spelled out with the Muslim, Jewish and Christian symbols. I have heard several Christians say that this display has shown that U2 is not believers and that all religions are one. I know that Bono is a follower of Christ (discusssion for another day). The word coexist means: " to exist separately or independently but peaceably" (from dictionary.com). I think that the symbols added to the word just make an even louder statment.
It made me think about how we really need to respect other people's beliefs, no matter what they are. Sure, as a Christian you can present them with the story of Jesus and salvation. But being forceful is the fast track to nowhere. I have seen so many times Christians trying to "argue" about their beliefs with someone who believes differently. I wonder how a Christian would feel if someone of a different faith was forcing their beliefs on them. When the shoe is on the other foot it can really make you view things differently.
We are all human. We were all created by God. We were given a mind to think and the ability to decide what we believe. We must have respect for each other.
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