Well, believe it or not, it was turned down... Why you ask? Because it was considered pornographic! (the world has changed a lot!). U2 was wanting to show the innocence of a Boy. I know that a lot of the album had songs where Bono talked about the death of his mother and how hard it was to overcome it at the age of nine. Mainly, the song "Boy" on that album is about that.
The boy in the photo is actually a brother of one of Bono's best friends (Guggi)
Here it he cover of the album as you could buy it in a store today. This is the cover on my of the album:

Oddly enough, if you go to U2's website and look under their albums you will see the photo of the Boy and not this ugly cover...(sorry guys but I do like the boy better lol)
In 1983, the same boy in the photo of "Boy" posed for the cover of "War":

Funny thing is, the kid was actually in a fight that day and that cut on his head is real! I can't remember the entire story - if they planned to use in him the photo shoot or not - but that is the photo they decided to go with.
Anyway, that's your education on U2 for the day hehe ;)
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