Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Trust is something you earn. At least in my life that’s the way it goes. If that trust is broken you will have to go WAY out of your way to prove to me that you are trustworthy once again.

Does that mean I will be nice to you? Sure. Does that mean I will allow anything to go beyond what is on the surface? No. Does that mean I will hold you at arms length? You bet ya. Does that mean I will forget what you did? No way! I will always remember what you did and keep in the back of my mind as a reminder to myself in case I see signs of it happening again.

Harsh, yes I know, but I have been burned too many times. The main person was one I was born to and was supposed to be able to trust completely and be loved unconditionally by. That person can be sent a thank you note for creating me the way that I am in this respect. Often surrounding my emotional connection with others in steel bars and locks. And for those who have wronged me that means I pretty much throw away the key. That’s really the only way I can protect myself from it happening over and over again - I allowed it over and over again by the above mentioned “nobody” and I refuse to allow strangers or acquaintances to do the same.

Yes, I know this came out of no where – it’s just me thinking outloud so please don’t read into it

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