Saturday, December 03, 2005

My Love Hate Relationship with.....

my George Foreman Grill. Yes, I love it because I can make a healthy meal for me and Jamie and quick (I can throw on some FROZEN boneless, skinless chicken breasts - sprinkle on some seasoning and wahlah dinner is served lol). Well, even thought it's fast it is a PAIN in the you know what to clean!

Last night I made a meal for us using the grill and I hate, hate, hate cleaning it! I was tempted to just throw it away! Not to mention the plates have seen better needs to be retired just like Foreman himself ;)

This Christmas I plan to upgrade with my Christmas money to the mother of all George Foreman Grills...the plates are removable and you can set the tempurature! I am so excited to get it! Not to mention - my other grill was so small it could barely fit two chicken breasts on it! I can't wait for Christmas! Then I can say adios, daspidanya, goodbye to my little grill! :)

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