Have you ever had one of those days where just nothing seems to go right? Well, that is the kind of week I have been having. I looked at my flip calendar today and was shocked to see that it was only Tuesday GRRRRRR! I hope I can make it! With the kind of mood I have been in lately I am hoping and praying that things can only get better.
Are you wondering what the deal is? Let me ask you this, have ever had to care for a 19 month old who wants to touch EVERYTHING in the store so you basically have to shop like you are on a shopping spree…just knocking things into your cart as you go down the isle at record speed. Oh and there is the whole testing thing of “let’s see how many times I can do this even though I have been told A MILLION times.” Yeah, today has been one of those days.
Ah yes and there is the ever lovely reminder of the very expensive piece of paper that I think is still at my mother’s house…my college diploma (yeah, pretty sad that I have no clue where it is). I worked so hard for that thing! I worked my tail off every summer just so I didn’t have to have any student loan debt – which I did accomplish thanks to my father (although he pretty much won’t let me forget that he actually helped me with one thing in my life). And now what do I have to show for it? An expensive piece of paper that collects dust and has quickly been forgotten (hence not knowing where it is).
Funny thing is that I have a Bachelors of Arts in Print Journalism: Editing and Design although no one would ever know that as I walk down the isles of Target saying “no touch” and feeding my kid toddler cookies to distract him from everything else in the store.
Yeah, being a stay at home mom doesn’t pay much (well it pays nothing monetarily) and there are bad days but there are so many good ones too. I’m hanging on to those good moments and waiting for the next one to happen to brighten my day.
To society I might seem like a waste – a waste of money and time spent on an education that probably won’t ever be used. Today my skills with debunking run on sentences and cropping photos have been pushed aside to change poopy diapers, feed a kid who throws food and vacuum. (not a true list of accomplishments but at least I got the vacuum out!) To be honest, I’m not so worthless after all…at least not to the 19 month old in the other room and to my husband who will come home to a nicely cooked meal. Maybe tomorrow I can teach my son when to use a comma and when not to – until then this degree is under wraps.